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Customs warehouse and temporary storage warehouse

We offer safe and convenient storage facilities for goods subject to customs control.

A temporary storage warehouse differs from a bonded warehouse in terms of the functions performed by both.  Customs warehouse allows you to dispose of goods while they are in storage, and thus make changes and clear goods in batches, and temporary storage warehouse makes it impossible to do so, and the goods are placed there before the next procedure or before final customs clearance.   

ASL Customs experts will be happy to advise and explain how our solutions will help streamline and facilitate customers’ trade in goods with foreign countries, including:

  • Temporary storage of community goods not up to 90 days;
  • Customs warehousing in a warehouse without time limitation with the possibility of re-export of goods from the EU to a third country, transit procedures to other EU countries or release;
  • Remedial procedure in the customs warehouse – according to the opinion of the customs authority issued on the cleared goods;
  • Customs clearance in export, transit, release procedures including, with deferred VAT in accordance with Article.33a of the VAT Law.
Customs Key Visual