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Logistics support for the furniture industry. The experts at ASL Group have several years of experience in projects for the furniture industry.

At ASL Group, we serve both component manufacturers, distributors and manufacturers of furniture and products in the home furnishings category by implementing logistics processes throughout the supply chain. We take care of the quality of transportation, the completeness of the order and the timeliness of deliveries abroad. We specialize in international transportation of furniture and components taking care of intelligent and optimized transportation solutions on road, rail, sea or air within ASL Freight and ASL Road.

ASL experts carefully select Partners implementing logistics operations so as to ensure due quality of the supply chain or the ability to maintain special conditions of storage and transportation. While taking care of quality, it should be remembered that goods from the home decor category particularly require care due to their delicacy and the need for proper protection.

ASL’s experts will also ensure that transport and warehousing execution partners are experienced in, among other things: packing and securing, picking and palletizing goods, loading or unloading shipments that are oversized in size or weight, or fragile. That’s why ASL Freight, ASL Road and ASL Warehousing, as part of their services, take care to select the right partners to carry out operations as well as provide a diverse fleet of vehicles.

ASL experts will provide comprehensive advice:

  • They will prepare an optimal offer,
  • will provide support in the preparation of documentation,
  • will complete the order ensuring all safety standards,
  • comprehensively carry out customs handling.

Dedicated Customer Service in Polish will provide full support and execution of orders.