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Retail & Cosmetics

We provide end-to-end solutions for the retail supply chain. We offer retail logistics services, including order management, e-commerce support and transportation organization.

Logistics support for the beauty industry is primarily the storage of cosmetics, perfumes and detergents and the organization of transportation around the world. We offer a full range of value-added services, including packaging, labeling, co-packing including kit making, personalization or branding, returns handling, quality control, palletizing and services available upon request.

Find out more about our storage services here

Efficient transportation solutions for retail or comprehensive logistics services for e-commerce means integrated transportation tailored to the specifics of each sales channel.

ASL’s experts have many years of experience in serving the retail, wholesale and especially the cosmetics market. Request a quote today!

ASL experts will provide comprehensive advice:

  • They will prepare an optimal offer,
  • will provide support in the preparation of documentation,
  • will complete the order ensuring all safety standards,
  • comprehensively carry out customs handling.

Dedicated Customer Service in Polish will provide full support and execution of orders. Request a quote today!

ASL meets GPD standards. GPD, or Good Distribution Practice, are safety rules for receiving, storing and organizing the distribution of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products within the EU.