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Electronics & High Tech

ASL Group provides comprehensive logistics support for the high tech industry. We offer logistics solutions for the consumer electronics and appliances industry, including home appliances such as televisions, game consoles, phones, car accessories, printers, washing machines, refrigerators, coffee makers, as well as microwave ovens and toasters.

We also specialize in project logistics for high-tech equipment such as telecommunications equipment or advanced medical devices.Safe transportation of consumer electronics or electronic equipment means much higher requirements and service standards due to the high sensitivity of products and components. This applies to the carriage of both small electronics and bulky products, as well as high-value products.

ASL’s experts have years of experience in organizing specialized transportation of electronics, also meeting ADR, DGR and IMO standards for electronics containing batteries. 

ASL experts will provide comprehensive advice:

ASL’s transportation execution partners meet the standards of the quality and safety principle for receiving, storing and transporting high-tech products within the EU and globally.