Contact Inquiry


ASL Group

Companies that make up the ASL Group

AS Logistics sp. z o.o.

Street. Wyczółki 40
02-820 Warsaw

NIP: PL 9512267952
REGON: 141610456

ASL World Freight sp. z o.o.

Street. Wyczółki 40
02-820 Warsaw

NIP PL9512481450
REGON: 382943085

ASL Road Sp. z o.o.

Street. Wyczółki 40
02-820 Warsaw

NIP: PL9512464842
REGON: 38060231

ASL Advisory Sp. z o.o.

ul. Wyczółki 40
02-820 Warszawa


NIP: PL9512593953
REGON: 528347640


Addresses of ASL offices

ASL headquarters

40 Wyczółki Street
02-820 Warsaw

+48 22 544 17 20

ASL Road office

Łączyny Street 3
02-820 Warsaw

+48 22 544 17 27

ASL warehouse Nadarzyn

Segro Logistics Centre, 66 Katowicka Avenue (Building. C)

05-830 Nadarzyn

+48 508 252 506

ASL Kowale warehouse

15 Magnacka Street

80-180 Kowale

+48 509 021 766

ASL Gdynia Branch

ul. Kwiatkowskiego 60/pok. 702

81-127 Gdynia

+48 508 465 523

ASL Wrocław Branch

Strzegomska 42B office 306

53-611 Wrocław

+48 71 729 79 99

ASL Katowice Branch

108 Chorzowska St. (building C)

40-101 Katowice

+48 698 905 006

ASL Poznań Branch

14 Mielżyńskiego Street

61-725 Poznań

+48 532 472 338

More branches coming soon

Tell us where you would like to see an ASL branch. For us, close contact with our customers has been a key element of trust-based cooperation since the company’s inception