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Thank you for a year together

The end of the year is a time for reflection, gratitude and plans for the future. In this spirit, we would like to thank you – our clients, partners and the entire ASL team – for another year full of shared challenges and successes!

Every day, in different locations, we show that logistics is about more than just delivering goods – it’s about building bridges between people, cultures and businesses. This year, we are uniting under the glow of Christmas trees in our branches, which symbolise our global cooperation and shared values.

We look to the future with optimism, ready for the challenges and opportunities that 2025 will bring. Together, we are creating the logistical excellence that drives us to continue to grow and deliver the best solutions.

Thank you for this special year and we wish you a peaceful, joyful Christmas and a New Year full of success and new opportunities!

10 years of innovation in logistics – CrossTrades OBL meeting in Kuala Lumpur

10 years of innovation in logistics – CrossTrades OBL meeting in Kuala Lumpur

We recently had the pleasure of attending the 10th anniversary meeting of CrossTrades OBL, held in dynamic Kuala Lumpur – the city of contrasts and inspiration! Our representative, Adam Rutkiewicz, partner and board member, was honoured to represent us at this prestigious forum.

During the event, logistics industry leaders from around the world shared their knowledge, experiences and vision for the future of global trade. The conversations were full of energy and innovative ideas!

Thanks to the experience gained and the relationships established, we are even better equipped to deliver top quality solutions to our customers. This event not only strengthens our position in the international network, but above all inspires us to continue growing!

Many thanks to the organisers and all participants for the inspiring atmosphere. We look forward to the next opportunities to work together!

New location, new opportunities!

We are happy to announce that our Gdynia branch of ASL has changed location! You will now find us in a modern, larger office at 31 Janka Wiśniewskiego Street in Gdynia.

Our new office has been designed with our team’s comfort and needs in mind – offering spacious interiors, inspiring areas for teamwork and modern facilities that promote efficiency and collaboration. We believe these changes will allow us to operate even more efficiently and effectively for our clients and partners.

Welcome to our new office – a new location, but the same passionate and committed team!

ASL ready to implement new customs systems

As early as 31.10.2024, the new systems AES/ECS2 PLUS and NCTS2 PLUS will be launched, which will revolutionise the way customs clearance is declared via the PUESC platform. After this date, it will no longer be possible to use the old versions of the systems – all transit and export operations will have to be initiated exclusively in the new systems.

What do these changes mean in practice? A key prerequisite for using these systems is to register with PUESC, if you have not already done so, now is the best time to do so.

ASL is already one step ahead. By setting up a test environment, our experts were able to familiarise themselves with the new systems and test them thoroughly. We can therefore assure you that we are fully ready to report customs clearances correctly, without any difficulties using the new systems.

The implementation of AIS PLUS, the system for import declarations, has been postponed until 1 January 2025.

We are proud that as a company, we constantly ensure the highest quality of service and smooth customs operations!

Run Warsaw – ASL proves that together we can do more!

Last Saturday, ASL employees from the offices in Warsaw, Nadarzyn, Gdynia, Katowice and Wrocław joined together to take part in one of the most famous running events in the capital – Run Warsaw! Despite the rain and cold, our team did not give in to the weather. Some covered the full distance of the run – 10 km, while others took part in the accompanying event I’m marching – I’m cheering, supporting the runners and building team spirit.

Sport, like our daily projects, is not only about individual achievement, but above all about teamwork. At ASL, we believe that whatever the situation – whether on the running track or in the office – working together leads to success.

Congratulations to everyone who, despite the adverse conditions, showed that the ASL team is unstoppable! We look forward to our next challenges together.

The photos show our athletes who also found room for healthy competition during their sporting activities.

strikes in the port of hamburg

Due to the dockers’ strike and an overlay of other problems, the Port of Hamburg halted the receipt of goods trains for 24 hours on Thursday. Delays at the Hamburg terminals now amount to more than 24 hours and negotiations between employers and trade unionists are still ongoing.

Will strikes become more frequent?

The carrier expects that customers will have to get used to such delays. Metrans points out that the main rail lines do not have sufficient capacity. These circumstances force the carriers to raise prices. Employees of the Port of Hamburg are also demanding social guarantees in the upcoming change of ownership of the port.

Who is organising the strikes?

The strikes in Hamburg are organised by the trade union Ver.di, which is trying to negotiate the best working conditions with the association of terminal operators ZDS. Parallel to the port strikes, there was a demonstration in the centre of Hamburg. The main reason for the strike is the planned sale of a 49% stake in HHLA, Hamburg’s largest terminal operator, to the MSC group. The union members want to conclude a collective agreement before the planned transaction in order to secure their jobs.

Disruption in logistics chains

Problems at the port and congestion on the railway infrastructure negatively affect hauliers causing a significant increase in transport costs. In recent weeks, protests by seaport workers have been a direct cause of disruption to freight transport in various parts of the world. Dockworkers have gone on strike in the USA, India and Australia, among others.

Change of working hours of the ASL Nadarzyn warehouse

Dear customers, partners,

We are pleased to announce that we have decided to extend the working hours of our warehouse in Nadarzyn. This is a step aimed at adapting our services even better to your needs. This change will not only allow us to speed up the execution of unloading and loading, but also to provide greater flexibility, which is a particularly important element in a dynamic industry such as logistics.

As of 09.09.2024, the ASL warehouse in Nadarzyn will operate from Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Longer working hours mean that we will be able to respond to your needs more quickly and handle more transports in a shorter period of time. You will benefit from shorter turnaround times and greater availability of our services. All of this translates into better fluidity for your business, especially when deadlines and urgent deliveries are crucial.

We believe that the changes we have made will allow us to serve you even better by providing the reassurance that you can count on us. Thank you for your trust so far and we look forward to continuing to work with you!

Have a great weekend,
The ASL Nadarzyn Team

Transforming Central and Eastern Europe into the Logistics Centre of the Future

The Central and Eastern European region is currently entering a key moment of transformation. It has the potential to make the region one of the most important logistics areas in the world.

Development of logistics in Poland

Poland has been consistently strengthening its position on the European logistics market for many years. This translates into clear growth, thanks to which we are constantly improving our position in the global TSL rankings. Our country is investing heavily in warehouse logistics, infrastructure and road transport, as well as developing seaports.

What influences growth?

The region’s growing importance is due to a number of strategic infrastructure investments, such as Rail Baltica and CPK. These projects aim to improve transport connections. Both within the region and with the rest of Europe, which is key to increasing the efficiency of supply chains. Although already, at least in road transport, Poland boasts some of the best results in Europe.

The aforementioned investments, combined with the growing importance of secure and disruption-proof supply chains, make the CEE region increasingly attractive to international investors. In an era of global challenges, such as geopolitical tensions or climate change, CEE is gaining importance as a stable and strategic location for logistics operations.

The Central Transport Port, which is to become an investment combining air, rail and road transport – is one of the key elements of this transformation. These investments will not only improve regional connections, but also strengthen the position of Poland and its neighbours on the global logistics map.

European opportunity

The transformation of the CEE region into a logistics hub of the future is not only an economic development opportunity, but also a response to the global difficulties the world is currently facing. Through strategic investment and cooperation, Central and Eastern Europe has the potential to become one of the key players in global supply chains.

New ASL branch in Poznan

The icon of Poznań, the famous ‘Okrąglak’, has been hosting a new branch of our company since the beginning of September. This is the 8th branch of ASL on the map of Poland.

Strategic location

This is what Mariusz Rogowski, board member and partner at ASL Group, says about the new investment: ‘Poznań is a strategic location for the logistics industry due to its central location in Europe and excellent transport infrastructure, including motorways, railways and proximity to the airport. The city also offers a developed network of logistics and warehousing centres, which attracts investors and facilitates the distribution of goods to national and international markets.’

A modernist gem

It is impossible not to add a few words about the unique location of our Poznań branch: ‘Okrąglak’ is a modernist building in the centre of Poznań, located at 14 Mielżyńskiego Street, on the corner of 27 Grudnia Street. It was designed by architect Marek Leykam and built between 1948 and 1954. For more than 50 years it served as a department store, and is now an office and service building. ‘Okrąglak’ is distinguished by its unique cylinder shape and glazed facade, which makes it one of the symbols of Poznań.

We invite you to visit our branch in Poznań.

Another step towards the construction of a Polish nuclear power plant

In the last week of August, in the presence of the Minister of Infrastructure and the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Infrastructure, a contract for the construction of the MOLF offshore structure was signed. This specialised structure will be part of the infrastructure accompanying the construction of Poland’s first nuclear power plant.

What is MOLF?

It is a special structure designed for the offloading of oversize and oversize cargo that cannot be split into smaller pieces. MOLF is an abbreviation for Marine Off-Loading Facility.

What does the scope of the signed agreement cover?

The scope of the signed contract includes the design of a bridge for the unloading of indivisible oversize cargo required for the construction and operation of the nuclear power plant. The project also includes a section of technical road to allow further transport of the transshipped cargo.

The contractor for the project documentation is a consortium of WUPROHYD Sp. z o.o. and INGEO Sp. z o.o., and they have 14 months to prepare the complete documentation.


This is undoubtedly an essential investment, needed to build the first nuclear power plant in Poland. It is an investment of strategic importance, of great significance for the future of our country, energy stability, defence and the climate.

Poland plays an increasingly important role in the cosmetics trade market

Poland is becoming an increasingly important player in the global cosmetics trade, exporting more and more cosmetics to foreign markets. Poland’s share of world GDP is about 1 per cent, while its share of world cosmetics exports is 3.8 per cent.

Polish products are increasingly recognised

Cosmetic products from Poland are gaining increasing recognition thanks to their high quality, innovation and competitive prices. Poland is an increasingly popular location for production facilities of companies from all over the world. This provides an opportunity to utilise the potential and knowledge of Polish specialists. This, in turn, is increasingly contributing to Poland’s growing importance as an exporter.

The commodity structure of cosmetics exports is similar in most countries around the world. However, there are some minor but important differences due to specialisation and advantages in the production of selected commodities.

How do we stack up against European competition?

Poland is the fifth largest exporter of cosmetics in the European Union with a share of 8 per cent. As much as 65 per cent of the cosmetics exported from Poland go to the EU market. The ratio of exports to imports of cosmetics in Poland in 2023 was 1.72. This means that the value of exports was 72 per cent higher than the value of imports.

What do we export?

Skin care preparations are the dominant category, accounting for 47 per cent of cosmetics exports worldwide. For Poland, this category accounts for 43 per cent and is also the largest part of exports.

Since Poland’s accession to the European Union, cosmetics exports have increased 8-fold and GDP 3.6-fold. The average annual growth rate of cosmetics exports has been very high – since 2004, it has been close to 12 per cent. In the last ten years, the rate has been over 9 per cent.

More intensive checks on drivers

This year, PIP will carry out over 60,000 control. Among transport companies, he will especially check the compliance of remuneration payments and working hours. This is an area where a significant number of violations occur. The legality of employment of foreigners will also be verified. What inspections should companies in the TSL industry be prepared for?

Transport is a disgraceful leader

The National Labor Inspectorate announced that it would carry out 2,000 inspections. They will concern regulations regarding working time, remuneration and other benefits resulting from the employment relationship. According to previous inspections carried out by the National Labor Inspectorate, violations in this area are among the most frequently violated regulations. Warehouse management and transport are the areas that take the lead in terms of the number of complaints regarding violations in the area of working time and payment of wages.

Driving and rest time will also be part of the control

The Road Transport Inspectorate will take a closer look at issues related to the correctness of access to entrepreneurs’ bases or to drivers’ places of residence. The driver can drive the vehicle for a maximum of half a day. But only if you take appropriate breaks from driving to reach the place where you will take your weekly rest.

New tachograph – what to pay attention to?

First of all, drivers need to acquire new skills in operating recording devices due to their upcoming replacement with new generation tachographs. However, installers and users of tachographs notice a number of problems resulting from the early stage of development of the new technology.

The issue of legality of employment of foreigners

The aim of the actions taken is also to eliminate illegal workers. Inspectors will pay special attention to verifying the legality of employment of people from areas of high migration risk, such as North Africa or Asia.